2025 South East Asian Jiu Jitsu Gi & No Gi Friendship Games


2025 South East Asian Jiu Jitsu Gi & No Gi Friendship Games March 23

The 1st Event  in the region that focused on the next generation of Fighters . This year we will have Adult Gi and No Divisions for White Blue Purple Belts up to Masters 4.  It one of the best events in the region for upcoming regional stars to test themselves . We look forward to the continued support of the BJJ Community making this one of most  participated events on the Asian Calendar.

 All BJJ Gi and No Gi  divisions will be held on the Sunday March 23 , 9am 

IBJJF Rules : Please check the new IBJJF Rules https://ibjjf.com/books-videos

In addition to the BJJ Competition we will be holding the Friendship Games Ultimate Takedowns  Gi  & No Gi. Divisions Junior Boys, Womens and Mens divisions Gi and No Gi.

Take down scoring  :  March time 3 minutes , Advantage 1 point , Takedown with 3 second stabilization 2 points  after scoring competitors will restart from standing .  An Athlete that scores three 2 point takedowns is declared the winner .  Penalties plus one point to the opponent , disqualification on the 4th penalty.  Rules are based on the Fighting System of JJIF this comp designed to find the best takedown competitors that can compete in the JJIF Ju Jitsu Fighting system .

DATE: Start  9.30 am SUNDAY   – All Gi  and No Gi Divisions                                                  – 

VENUE : Ayala Circuit Makati  : https://www.ayalamalls.com/main/malls/ayala-circuit

REGISTRATION DETAILS  : Adults / Juveniles 

·  Early Bird :  P1995 Before  Sunday  Feb 24, Discount for No Gi  and No  Gi  900  – Absolute P600

·  Normal after Feb 24 up to Sunday March 16 : P2200 discount for Gi and  No Gi P800   – Absolute P700. 

· Late registration up to : Wednesday  March 19 Midnight P2500 discount for Gi and No Gi P700 –  Absolute P750

PROVISIONAL BRACKETS and MAT SCHEDULE: Released on Monday before the event.  

CORRECTION DEADLINE : Midnight Wednesday before the event , you can change your entry on Smoothcomp anytime.

· All Competitor must create their own Smoothcomp account using their email address including Team Entries that are making direct deposits. From this account they can see the brackets match schedule and edit or make changes to their entry.  We can approve the registration is not paid online via Smoothcomp . 


·  1. Smoothcomp :  Register and pay through Smoothcomp using paypal  Registration is not approved until the payment is processed. 

OTHER PAYMENTS OPTIONS :  Competitors can register at Smooth comp and  pay using the options below . Send an email  WITH YOUR DEPOSIT SLIP  and complete registration details to bjjfp.com@gmail.com and we will APPROVE  your entry . 

2. Bank Payment Account; Multiple entries / Team entries /  Single entries                        Direct deposits : ECD Events Concepts Designs Inc Bank of Commerce, Wack Wack , Petron Station Mandaluyong 111 – 0000 – 2851- 3 Email deposit slip and entries to; bjjfp.com@gmail.com

3. Gcash  please email bjjfp.com@gmail.com we will provide the details 

4. Direct payment : single or multiple entries . Pay at KMA Tordesillas St Makati or Wack Wack Gym Mandaluyong . Please still create your own Smoothcomp profile and registration.  Please provide your email address and full  registration details.

REGISTRATION PROBLEMS: To check your registration we will require the email address used, the name registered, competition name , belt , weight , Division ie adults / Masters 1.

For any assistance please send us an email bjjfp.com@gamil.com we can assist you to register . Do not message through facebook.


– Children’s  Belts  All kids are registered as white belts under their weight class , when creating a profile enter White belt . Male and Female divisions for Children available 

– Adults all Belt levels , Juvenile White and Blue Male and Female ,, Masters Male   and Female 1 – 4. 

– IBJJF Rules apply Weigh in before your 1st match on the same day you must be under the weight division tas per IBJJF rules. 

– All Competitors please be at the venue at least one hour prior to the match schedule. Masters , Juniors and children competitors please bring an ID with date or birth details.

– All Competitors be at the venue  at least one hour prior to the match schedule.  Masters , Juniors and children competitors please bring an ID with date or birth details. 

–  Competitor Attire : No Gi Competitors Black Shorts , Rash Guard no Fitted Tshirts  with 10% of the competitors belt colour. Gi competitors White , Black and Blue Gis only  IBJJ. F rules apply for patches and length of Gis , belts to be in good condition .  Leggings allowed for men they must still wear shorts over the leggings. – No straight foot locks allowed in the Juvenile division.

– Competitors do not need to check their registrations on the day  unless you have a major concern. Kids , Masters and Juniors please bring an ID.

 Contact bjjfp.com@gmail.com 

Eligibility : Amateur MMA Fighter can compete as White belts except in the Novice comp, Judo Black Belts National Team Wrestlers and Professional MMA Fighters must compete as Blue belts 


SINGLE ENTRIES : can go to the Podium anytime during the day to receive their medal or be moved to the Absolute Division.